logoKMiI Katedra Matematyki
Kierownik Katedry: dr Mirosław Adamek

dr hab. Teresa Rajba


Curriculum Vitae

  1. Stopnie naukowe:
    • Magister : Uniwersytet Wrocławski, 1978
    • Doktor : Uniwersytet Wrocławski, 1981
    • Doktor habilitowany: Uniwersytet Śląski, 2015
  2. Stanowisko:
    • adiunkt
  3. Obszary zainteresowania:
    • rachunek prawdopodobieństwa (twierdzenia graniczne , półgrupy rozkładalności miar probabilistycznych, zastosowania rachunku prawdopodobieństwa, a w szczególności procesów stochastycznych w zagadnieniach z transmisji informacji), analiza matematyczna (zagadnienia analizy wypukłej, równania i nierówności funkcyjne, uogólnienia funkcji wypukłych)
  4. Uczestnictwo w ważniejszych konferencjach krajowych i międzynarodowych:
    1. A generalization of operator-selfdecomposable distributions on Euclidean spaces, Teresa Rajba, 23 th Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, 12-17 May 2003, Pamplona(Spain.), Proceedings of the 23 Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models.
    2. Zastosowania twierdzenia Choqueta, T.Rajba, 30 Ogólnopolska Konferendja Zastosowań Matematyki, 18-25 -09 2001, Zakopane.
    3. Wskaźniki jakości transmisji cyfrowej w optoliniach, Teresa Rajba, Stanisław Rajba, 30 Ogólnopolska Konferendja Zastosowań Matematyki, 18-25 -09 2001, Zakopane.
    4. Classes of multiple decomposable laws Eger(Hungary), 21 th Seminar on Stability Problems of Stochastic Models, abstracts of communications, 28 I - 3 II, 2001
    5. Multiply c-decomposable infinitely divisible measures on the real line and their characteristic functions, Teresa Rajba., 8th Internatinal Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistic, june 23-29, 2002, Abstracts of communications.- Vilnius
    6. Multiply c-decomposable infinitely divisible measures on the real line and their characteristic functions, Teresa Rajba, VII Konferencja z probabilistyki, Będlewo 2002
    7. A generalization of multiply monotone functions on the real line, Teresa Rajba, XXII International Seminar on stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Seminar on Statistical data Analysis, (SDA '2002), Varna, Bulgaria, 25 May-31 May, 2002
    8. Ocinka akosti kanalu vimiruvalnih cifrovih signaliv sensoriv temperaturi, Teresa Rajba, Stanisław Rajba., Temperatura 2003, VIII miznarodna konferencia : tezi dopovidej, L'vib, Ukraina, 17-19 veresna 2003
    9. O rozkładalności miar, Teresa Rajba, V Krajowe Seminarium Wypukłe Funkcje Wielowartościowe , Bystra 17-20 X 2001
    10. O miarach nadniezmienniczych na prostej, Teresa Rajba, VIII Konferencja z probabilistyki, Będlewo 2004
    11. On superinvariant measures on the real line, Teresa Rajba, 24th Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, 10-17 May 2004, Jurmala (Latvia.), Transactions of the 24 Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models.
  5. Spis publikacji:
    1. T. Rajba, Sz. Wąsowicz, Extremal measures with prescribed moments, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 423 (2) (2015), 1838-1848.
    2. T. Rajba, On strong delta-convexity and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for delta-convex functions of higher order, Math. Inequal. Appl. 18 (1) (2015), 267-293.
    3. T. Rajba, On the Ohlin Lemma for Hermite-Hadamard-Fejér type inequalities, Math. Inequal. Appl. 17, (2) (2014), 557-571.
    4. T. Rajba, On some relative convexities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 411 (2) (2014), 876-886.
    5. S. Rajba, T. Rajba, A randomization of parameters in wireless sensor networks, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), 9 (2013), 240-244.
    6. S. Rajba, T. Rajba, P. Raif, Simulation study of the random access control in the wireless sensor network, Bezpeka Informacii : naukovo-praktičnij žurnal = Ukrainian Scientific Journal of Information Security, 9 (1) 2013, 7-13.
    7. S. Rajba, T. Rajba, P. Raif and M. Mahmud, Wireless Sensor Networks in Application to Patients Health Monitoring, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2013, April 15-19, 2013, Singapore, 94-98.
    8. T. Rajba, A generalization of multiple Wright-convex functions via randomization, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 388 (1) (2012), 548–565.
    9. K. Nikodem, T. Rajba, Sz. Wąsowicz, On the classes of higher-order Jensen convex functions and Wright-convex functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 396 (2012), 261-269.-
    10. T. Rajba, B. Micherda, On some Hermite-Hadamard-Fejer inequalities for (k,h) convex functions, Math. Inequal. Appl. 15, (4) (2012), 931-940.
    11. T. Rajba, S. Rajba, The probability of collisions in Wireless Sensor Network with random sending, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), R. 88 NR 9a (2012), 243-248.
    12. K. Nikodem, T. Rajba, Sz. Wąsowicz, Functions Generating Strongly Schur Convex Sums, ISNM161_GI_PART4_CHAPTER13 Inequalities and Applications 2010, (2012), 175-182. .
    13. T. Rajba, An application of the Choquet theorem to the study of randomly superinvariant measures, Opuscula Math., 40 (2) (2012), 317 326.
    14. T. Rajba, New integral representations of nth order convex functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 379 (2) (2011), 736-747.
    15. T. Rajba, S. Rajba, Wireless sensor network with random sending, Knowledge in telecommunication technologies and optics, (2011), 170 175.
    16. T. Rajba, Sz. Wąsowicz, Probabilistic characterization of strong convexity, Opuscula Math., 31 (1) (2011), 97–103.
    17. T. Rajba, S. Rajba, Wireless sensor converge cast based on random operations procedure, PAK, 56 (3) (2010), 255-258.
    18. T. Rajba, Nested classes of C-semi-selfdecomposable distributions, Statistics & Probability Letters, 79 (24) (2009), 2469-2475.
    19. T. Rajba, On the fractional decomposability of infinitely divisible probability measures, Transactions of the 26th International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Nahariya, Israel, (2007), 167-172.
    20. M. Karpiński, S. Rajba, T. Rajba, Measurement and information system used the mobile phone GSM and Bluetooth, PAK, 53 (12) (2007), 79-81.
    21. T. Rajba, A generalization of operator-selfdecomposable distributions on Euclidean spaces, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Proceedings of the 23 Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, 132 (5) (2006), 660 667.
    22. T. Rajba, On limit distributions of some normed sums, 25th Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, 20-24 September, 2005, Maiori/Salerno (Italy), Transactions of the 25 Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, 234 241. .
    23. S. Rajba, T. Rajba, J.Szczepanik ,Optimum control system on a yacht, II National Conference and IV National Seminar „Scientific and technical problems in competitional sailing”, 1-10.04. 2005, STS „Pogoria”, 103 110.
    24. T. Rajba, S. Rajba, N.A. Kuzemko, Estimation of the dispersion of dynamic time distortions in a Digital FSK System, Bulletin of the Technology University of Podillya, 2 (1) (2004), 203-206.
    25. T. Rajba, S. Rajba, Estimations of measuring signal transmission quality, Technique of measurement and metrology, 62 (2003), 16-18 .
    26. T. Rajba, A generalization of multiply monotone functions, Radovi Mathematicki, 11 (2002/03), 271-293. .
    27. T. Rajba, Multiply c-decomposable probability measures on R and their characteristic functions, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 22 (2) (2002), 443 456. .
    28. T. Rajba, On multiple decomposability of probability measures on R, Demonstratio Mathematica, 34 (2) (2001), 275-294. .
    29. T. Rajba, On certain subclasses of the classes Lc, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 19 (l) (1999), 171-180. .
    30. T. Rajba, S. Rajba, The Performance of a Digital FSK System with Actual Discriminator: Time Distortions Effects, Applicationes Mathematicae, 20 (2) (1990), 261-279.
    31. T. Rajba, S. Rajba, The performance of a digital FSK system with actual discriminator; time distortions effects, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Remote Data Transmission, Praha, Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), (1987), 80-81.
    32. T. Rajba, A representation of distributions from certain classes Lsid, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 3 (2) (1984), 155-171.
    33. T. Rajba, S. Rajba, Pewne związki analityczne występujące pomiędzy statycznymi zniekształceniami czasowymi, szumem gaussowskim, a prawdopodobieństwem błędów w transmisji cyfrowej, Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, 30 (1984), 907-922.
    34. T. Rajba, On decomposability semigroups on the real line, Colloq. Math. 44 (1981), 347—348.
    35. T. Niedbalska-Rajba, On decomposability semigroups for certain probability measures, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. 28 (1979), 415-418.
    36. T. Niedbalska, An example of the decomposability semigroup, Coloq. Math., 39 (1978), 137-139.


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